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Adam H Khan

Adam H Khan

AKHAN Semiconductor, USA

Title: Multilayer nanocrystalline diamond for optical sensing and electronics display application


Biography: Adam H Khan


Diamond is a well-known material that commands many excellent characteristics including great hardness, high thermal
conductivity, high-optical transparency, and excellent chemical stability. In this work, we study the practical and economical
usage of Nanocyrstalline Diamond (NCD) as a fi rst surface in an anti-reflective coating upon a traditional substrate.Using
measured index of refraction and extinction coeffi cient values, multi-layer coating solutions for diff erent spectral regions such as the visible or infrared wavelengths were developed using OpenFilters optical design soft ware.Th e simulation results from
OpenFilters soft ware indicate comparable transmissivity and refl ectivity performance to known solutions while providing 
enhanced mechanical properties such as improved breakage and scratch performance and resistance to impact from airborne
particles. Pioneering work on low temperature, high quality diamond deposition methods by AKHAN Semiconductor Inc. has
opened the doors for the use of diamond in a wide variety of optical applications. It is shown that Nanocrystalline Diamond
(NCD) coatings with grain size of 10-100 nm can signifi cantly enhance the breakage, scratch performance and hydrophobicity
of glass displays and lenses. With Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) device integration now possible utilizing nanocrystalline diamond on a wide variety of optical substrates, new opportunities are now possible for the next
generation of optical sensing technologies.